3. Creating a construction project

If the site and measuring panoramas are available as BMP files with a resolution of 8160 x 3060 pixels, you can continue creating a new construction project:

  1. Create a subdirectory in ..\REFLEX\Simulator\Umwelt\Wlp using the name of your new scenery .

  2. Copy the finished location and measuring panoramas to the new directory.

  3. Start the RSK.

  4. Use the function Open site panorama from the menu Panorama and select your location panorama file. The location panorama window will open up, and show you a perspective view at the panorama. Equal to the view port in REFLEX you can change the viewing direction and picture angle by dragging the mouse with held left mouse button or by turning the mouse wheel.

  5. Activate the Location tab in the Scenery data window. You should enter the values for Horizontal increment and Vertical picture angle like shown below:

    Enter the perpendicular distance to the tracing point which you have measured when taking the photos of the location panorama for Camera height above ground. With Standard wind you can define the wind settings which should be automatically set after loading the scenery in REFLEX. The wind force is indicated in Beaufort, the wind direction in degree, the updraft is indicated in m/s and thermal updraft in m/s. The updraft value will define the strength at the position with the most updraft of the Flow fields when using a scenery with such fields.

  6. Now rotate the location panorama by changing the value for North offset angle until objects in the horizontal center of the location panorama window coincides with the View direction value (displayed direction). To do so, use a distinctive object with a known direction.

  7. Save the project using File, Save project as.... Select a file name which describes the position of the location panorama within the scenery, e. g. Graspiste West.Wlp (Grass slope West.Wlp). It is possible to save several locations within a scenery. The construction project of another location of the same scenery could be named Graspiste Ost.wlp (Grass slope East.wlp) for example.


Following topic: Simulation on the RSK