13. Defining starting position
The different starting locations which are offered for airplanes and helicopters in the simulator are defined on the Start tab in the Scenery data window:
In order to define a new location, please proceed as follows:
- Start the simulation inside the RSK using an airplane or a helicopter by switching on the remote control.
- Land or roll the model into the required position and orientation.
- Click on the button Insert as new position.
- Select a name for the new position in the Type listbox. For the types Grasspiste XX (Grass slope XX), Asphaltpiste XX (Asphalt slope XX) and Betonpiste XX (Concrete slope XX) you need to enter the type appendix indicating the starting direction. It is being calculated as a rounded off tenth of the viewing direction.
Each scenery should offer at least one position of the type Directly in front of the person. In order to be able to use the trainer for hovering and torque, the types View from the rear, View from the front, View from the left and View from the right are also required.
Following topic: Defining obstacles with masks