5. Adding measuring panoramas

In order to construct a correctly scaled geometry of a scenery, the RSK is offering you the option to include several panoramas into your construction project. Please perform the following steps for each measuring panorama:

  1. Select the function Open measuring panorama from the Panorama window and open a measuring panorama file. A new measuring panorama window will appear showing you a perspective view at the measuring panorama in the same way as the location panorama window does. Here you can also change the view direction or the picture angle by dragging the mouse with held left mouse button and by turning the mouse wheel.

  2. Activate the Measuring tab in the Scenery data window. On this tab, the value for Vertical picture angle should be set to 135° .

  3. Specify the measured distance between the tracing point markings of the measuring and location panoramas by entering a value for Distance to location.

  4. Specify the height of the camera nodal point above the tracing point marking of the measuring panorama by entering a value for Camera height above ground.

  5. In the new measuring panorama window there is a marking pennon indicating the number 0. Drag this pennon with the left mouse button to the tracing point marking of the location panorama.

    Drag the marking pennon indicating the number 1 in the location panorama window onto the tracing point marking of the first measuring panorama. Later on, drag pennon number 2 correspondingly onto the tracing point marking of the second measuring panorama, etc.

  6. By modifying the values for Lateral position and Longitudinal position you can rotate the measuring panorama around this two axes. This is helpful since the normal axis of location panorama and measuring panorama are often not aligned exactly parallel to one another when taking photos. By modifying the two parameters you can correct this error.

  7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 for all additional measuring panoramas.

As soon as all measuring panoramas are defined and all marking pennons are positioned you should hide them. To do so, deactivate Show marking pennons either on the Measuring tab or using the View menu.


Following topic: Adding and shifting points